Several copies of each are still available individually or as a set. The author is re-releasing them as one book with additional content. Please contact us if you would like any or all of the original series.

BORED is about aligning your life to your joy.
"Start" can be a powerful (and really intimidating) word. Sometimes all it takes, though, is one little step forward.

FROM HERE TO THERE is about reverse engineering your ideal day.
Life altering goals can be daunting. Using simple techniques that have guided her through her own reconstruction, Renmeleon teaches you how to use creative visualization and outlining actionable steps to move your life forward toward living your joy.
DONE is about combating perfectionism.
Often creatives have a natural inclination to fuss with things until they're "perfect" that hinders our process. We work masterfully on things that would benefit others but sometimes cannot get out of our own way long enough to get them out into the world for others to enjoy. Being able to complete projects and launch them is an easy skill to master if we focus and just get done. Asked for advice multiple times over the course of her journey, the author is putting her system down on paper here just for you.
Available on Amazon.
(Bored is available as an ebook.)
Available on Amazon
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Available on Amazon
Ana Maria Selvaggio has self-managed ADD without medication for more than five decades, cultivating a life around her creative work. Despite being overwhelmed by health issues, Selvaggio's positive outlook resonated with those around her. Seeing the need, she created G.O.I.N.G. as a focal point to support her wellness. 
All literally hand-lettered and illustrated (individually) in less than an hour, the books in this series were created as the author's challenge to herself to get her message out in a fun way in the hopes of motivating others to rethink and realign their lives with their end goals.
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